Tuesday, December 24, 2019

What is C Langauges?

C – Language: - C – Language is programming language developed at AT & T’s Bell laboratories of USA in 1972. It was design and written by Dennies Ritchie. To develop the Unix operating system at Bell labs.
The Unix operating system, the C– compiler and essentially all Unix application program have been written in C. C- Language was invented to write an operating system called Unix.

Historical Development of C

By 1960 a horde of computer language had come into existence, almost each for a specific purpose. For example, COBOL was being used for commercial applications. FOROTON was used to engineering purpose and scientific applications. In 1960, International committee was developed to ALGOL. In 1963, Cambridge University was developed to CPL (Combined Programming Language). Basic Combined Programming Language (BCPL) developed by Martin Richard at Cambridge University. In 1970, B language was developed by Ken Thomson at AT & T’s. In 1972, C- Language was developed by Dennis Ritchie at AT & T’s.
Developed by
International            Committee
To general, too abstract
Cambridge University
Hard to learn difficult implement
Martin Richard at Cambridge University
Could deal with only specific problems
Ken Thomson at AT & T’s
Could deal with only specific problems
Dennis Ritchie at AT & T’s
Lost generally of BCPL and B restored

As we know that a program is a set of instruction which is written a sequence and in which language, we write a program is called a programming language. So, program must follow a correct syntax of that particulars programming language. The person who write of a program called “Programmer”, which program has own rules and regulation. It is a perfect medium to take the computer.

Characteristics of Programming

1.     C is a general-purpose programming language which means C is used to write varies application of operating system.
2.     C is portable language because they are run in different environment like computer but c- compiler available in operating system.
3.     C is easy to debug. The compiler is detecting syntax error and display your screen.
4.     C is middle level language which function combination of high-level language and low-level language.
5.     There are fast to detect syntax error and display on your screen.
6.     It is fast programming language.
7.     C is flexible language like easily port one computer to another computer.
8.     There is popular language that not just because it can be used to standalone programming language.
9.     C is structure program that means programming language.
1.  C is used to easily. This software easily available in environment.

Structure of C- Program

A C- program may contain section what that given bellow: -

Documentation section
Link section
Definition section
Global declaration section
main ()
Declaration section
Executable section

● Documentation section: - Documentation section is consisting of set of comment lines that may name of program like author name and some other.

There are two types:

(I). Single comment line: - This represented two forward slash like this // where write two slash in any line your text goes here while not executable by compiler and it will till ends of line.

(ii). Multiple comment lines: - If be want to write some text as a comments but it is not ending in the single line then we used /* (slash asterisk) to start the comment and these comments line can be more than one lines to ends the comments be used */ (asterisk forward) means anything written between /* and */ will be tried comment and execute by compiler.

For example: -   /* comments */
Note: - Comments is anything like author name (Prem). Any comments like anything.

For example:  /*this is my first program is written by Prem
And it is written on dates 10-01-19 and time */

● Link section: - Link section is used to link to system header file in the program.

For example:   #include<stdio.h>
Note: stdio is called standard input output.
Note: h> is called header file.

Link section: Link section provides instruction to the compilers to link function from the system library.

● Definition section: Definition section is defined as symbolic constant.
● Global declaration section: In this section, we defined the variable that are used in more than function through out the program. So, these are called global declaration section.  

Sunday, December 22, 2019

What is HTML?

HTML:-  Hyper Text Markup Language is the standard markup language of documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. HTML elements are the building blocks of HTML pages. It was developed by WHATWG. HTML is used to struct web pages.

Image result for html

Application of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): -
  1. HTML is a language which is mainly used to create web documents. HTML can also be used to display any document that is available on the web.
  2. The web pages created by using HTML  can have text, colors, graphics etc. The HTML elements markup the document and inform the browser how the pages should look, when seen in the browser. HTML provides tags, which makes document look attractive.
  3. HTML allows the creation of hyperlinks to other documents. These connected documents may exist on some other machines. More importantly, it is a platform independent language. By platform independent we mean that documents written in HTML can viewed on any computer that runs on any operating system by using a web browser.
  4. These are some organizations that use HTML to prepare the layouts for official documents since it provides a better control over text formatting.

There are three types of HTML Pages: -

  • Static
  • Dynamic
  • Directory Listing
➢ Static Pages
Static pages are those pages, which require no action at the server. The web server returns the page to the user without taking any special action. In these kinds of websites, no users interaction is available. These sites are used for display purpose only.

For example

if the user requests the user requests the static page by typing a URL www.iso.com/ home .html then the URL request is sent to the server which responds to the request without any specific action at the server.

➢ Dynamic Pages
These pages are created as a results of the user's action. An example of a dynamic pages is the page, which comes to the screen after user submits the form. The user fills in the text area selects the menus and check boxes present in the form. As soon as the user clicks on submit or post buttons on a form, the data from the form goes to the web server. The web server either passes the data to some application for further processing or posts the data to a database. After which the server displays the results to the user in the form of a HTML page.

➢ Directory Listing
The server generally creates these pages in response to queries. Whenever a user sends queries to the server without specifying the document name, directory listing is returned to the user in the form of a HTML page. The user can then visit the required file by clicking the desired option in the directory listing.

For example
The directory listing page is that page which is returned to the user as a result of search. The page contains the list of all possible pages containing desired information.

What is Web Browser ?

Web browser: Web browser is the software. It is used to view websites. It acts as an interface between the user and World Wide Web. It allow...